Components of the assessment schedule

You will find an overview of the different components of the assessments we can provide down below.

Capacity Tests

Capacity tests measure the intelligence of the candidate. Intelligence is important as it is used to gain new knowledge and skill in practice. The tests will be time-based and can be deployed on every desired degree.

Motivational Questionnaire

Provides an insight into motivation. What aspects does the candidate consider important in their work and what motivates them? Which setting unlocks their true potential?

Interest Questionnaire

Interest questionnaires focus on the relation between the candidate’s interests and different work activities and professional directions. These questionnaires are deployed on the candidate’s level, systematically mapping their interests.

Practice Simulation

A practice simulation challenges the candidate to demonstrate the skills required for the aspired function in a simulated setting. The options include roleplaying, planning-assignments, mailbox assignments and presentations.

Personality Questionnaire

Smart HRD utilizes multiple work-oriented Personality questionnaires. We have a suitable variant for every degree.

Competence Report

A personality profile is used to establish a report on the candidate’s competences. Which qualities does the candidate have in store, and what are aspects in need of development?

Grouprole and Leadership Style Report

The grouprole research will enable us to understand what role the candidate will take on when in a group. It will also make clear what roles the candidate needs to develop. The report on leadership style will analyse the approach the candidate uses and the approach by which he prefers to be led.

Leadership Report

The leadership report will provide an estimate of the candidate’s potential of management- and leadership-competences.

Sales Report

The sales report will give an insight into the potential of the candidate when working a sales function. The candidate’s strenghts and weaknesses related to sales-effectivity will be identified.

Stress Report

The stress report will discuss two important aspects: Stressors and coping mechanisms. The first aspect indicates the factors that give stress to the candidate. The second aspect deals with the way in which the candidate copes with the stress. These results will enable us to indicate how the candidate can cope with their stress-level in a healthier way.

Career Guide

Strengths, weaknesses, motivators and learning styles will be researched and mapped. This may lead to new insights for both the employee and the organization. The employee will be forced to think about themselves and their career, and will thus be forced to take action. The report will be based on results and will be shaped like a workbook: people will be activated to take the lead in their career path. It makes the candidate focus on the planning of their career; it may also be used as a component of a POP-trajectory or as a starting point of a career coaching trajectory. One of our advisors will discuss the results with the candidate during a personal advisory meeting, which will take up to 2 hours.


The CCSQ measures personal traits relevant in the candidate’s work situation. They can be deployed during selection-, development-, and career-research of candidates in customer service- or sales-fuctions.

Culture QuestionnaireCCQ

Organizations reflect on their strategy and structure, because their environment forces them to do so. Every change in strategy or structure cohers to changes in the organizational culture. Organizational change has a higher chance to succeed when culture is taken into account. The culture of the organization will be demonstrated using this Culture-questionnaire.